Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

micro teaching

    Nuno Da Costa De Oliviera (3174)
Anak Agung Diah Cahaya Dewi (3204)
Ni Made Apriliani (3186)
Ni Kadek Desy Setiawati (3178)


1.         Long time ago there was a hero in Bali. He is I Gusti Ngurah Rai. He was born on January; 30/1917 in Carang Village, Badung. On November 20/1946, he killed by soldiers of NICA in battlefield. He has at least 1.372 soldiers. Local soldiers. They followed him and together to fighting enemy. His group name is Ciung Winara.
            I Gusti Ngurah Rai and his soldiers to fight, shot to shot in Marga village,Tabanan. The popular of this war is “Puputan Margarana”. He gave anything to his people in bali. Enemy shot him in battlefield. The name of international air port bali is I Gusti Ngurah Rai. His name to used in air port.  

a.       Learning objectives
Ø  Write narrative text using correct punctuation, capital letters, correct grammar
Ø  Underline the use of simple past in narrative text
Ø  Identifying actors that have in the text
b.      Learning method/technique
ü  Contextual teaching and learning ( CTL )
ü  Questions and answers
ü  Three phase learning
c.        Teaching strategies
Ø  Pre-activities
§  Greet the students
§  Check the students’ attendance
§  Telling students what would discussed about the material

Ø  Whilst-activities :
§  Exploration
Students are asked to work in pairs
§  Elaboration
Asking students to respond the dialogue using appropriate response
§  Confirmation
Students are asked to make a small talk
Ø  Post-activities
§  Telling students the materials that they have hard
§  Telling students to continue the work in the next lesson
§  Giving students some questions about the materials
§  Ending the session by saying “good bye”
2. Teaching method
                        a. Listening
                                    Cooperative learning
Communication method or technique. In this case, we use active listening. The listeners to feed back what they hear  to the speaker.
                        b. Speaking
Cooperative learning, students using verbal and non verbal symbols.
                                    Master several speaking component.
                        c. Reading
Phonics takes reading skills a step further than phonemic awareness. "Phonics instruction is a way of teaching reading that stresses learning how letters correspond to sounds and how to use this knowledge in reading and spelling." Reading exercises emphasizing one letter at a time are common in phonics, such as a set using dog, log, and frog.
                        d. Writing
Replacing the phrases by one word. If we can think out a word which is a correct substitute for a phrase we can condense a sentence.

3. The examples of grammar objective test
Ø  Nuno…….to Paris yesterday.
a.       Go
b.      Went
c.       Going
d.      Gone
Ø  Diah….to campus every day.
a.       Go
b.      Goes
c.       Went
d.      Going

Ø  April….reading a book now.
a.       Are
b.      Is
c.       Were
d.      was
Ø  Michael… a new Yamaha guitar tomorrow.
a.       Would
b.      Will
c.       Should
d.      Could
key answers;
1.      b
2.      b
3.      b
4.      b

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